Investor 2018-07-20T12:38:11+00:00

Solid Investor Returns

The Appetite for Fixed Income

Investors who require a sustainable level of income or return can be frustrated with low interest rates and fluctuating performance from equities and corporate bonds. Indeed, one of the concerns that many Investors have is that their investments are concentrated on very few types of assets which are all linked to the volatility of stock markets.

Property provides a real asset since the investment is tangible, being bricks and mortar. Furthermore, the rents from property are fixed and tend to increase over time, providing a real alternative to equities and corporate bonds. Historically in Ireland, the demand for both residential and commercial property investment has been very high.

Taking all of this into consideration, Glenigo’s Fixed Income Investment offers an alternative to equities and corporate bonds since it relies on income streams from Irish properties specifically small to medium size businesses seeking to refinance.

When investing with Glenigo, you are investing in the regrowth of Ireland. Glenigo invests in key growth areas across the country such as Dublin, Galway, Cork and Sligo.

Structure of the Investment

Glenigo offers investors the opportunity to invest in a project by way of a Loan Note. The internal underwriting committee selects projects and the Loan Note is secured on Irish Commercial Property. The investor enjoys a fixed income of 5.5% per annum over a five or seven year term. This return is funded from the revenues generated by the commercial properties. The individual owners, who have a vested interest in increasing the value of the asset, manage these properties.

Benefits at a glance:

How can I Invest?

The Glenigo Capital DAC Fixed Income Investment is available in two ways:

1. All Pension Vehicles

2. Direct Investment

About Our Practice

Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

Contact Info

12345 West Elm Street

Phone: 1.888.456.7890

Fax: 1.888.654.9876

Web: Buy Avada Today!